Saturday 26 May 2012

why the hell all the Superheroes and fantasy characters are from America?

When I saw the advertisement of Avengers film, I just wanted to ask,

“why the hell all the Superheroes and fantasy characters are from America?”

Do Americans descend from heaven and those so called Superheroes are great grandchildren’s of the God. I come from the land of spiritualism and I can say nothing like that would be the answer. And anyone in the world when asked a question where does divinity and God concept originate? The most simplest of answers will be India, Jerusalem, Mecca, China,etc and the least percentage goes to America. America is famously known as "Land of IMMIGRANTS" and they don't even have a strong history of kingdoms, dynasty, etc compared to the other countries. They had no conventions in any particular event things were framed and followed on only with what they wanted at the time needed so only we could see a lot of free minded individuals and more of individuality concept. This concept helps only for business, science and technology. When it comes to something that wanted to unite people and create hope there is nothing to drive the people of America. Anyone can ask what did the other countries have I can fairly answer the question other countries do had situations and religious beliefs and families to drive them. Example India had great epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana and great Indus  civilization and kings like Asoka, Greek had their own Gods, kings like Alexander and Genghis khan, similarly every other had their own systems which propelled them who they are and for their  motivation. In case of America I think they lack something like the above quotient and with the individuality concept and scientific thinking they started creating heroes like American captain, Superman , Batman, Iron man ,etc and a team like Avengers and Justice league were created by grouping superheroes to fight against the evil. Even though America had 200 year odd presidentship, people had to look for fantasy stars and the solution was provided in the way of superheroes from comic book companies. 

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