Sunday 10 July 2011

The Untamed One-----

                   From the early man to modern man there has been a common thing with the external world .
That is the word tame remains the same for both . For instance early man tamed the animals whereas the modern man tames the machines . The one that is not tamed according to me is our mind . Every successful person have done it but by and large comes under those who dosen't tamed it . Now I am going to share my lifetime experience with my mind . Its happens to be my failure note mostly with my mind . What is the fun is that I can't win or either deceive it . As on counterpart it makes a specious decisions and make me to arrive at a land of bedlam .

My experience in a precise poem
                             " An exotic journey pounded ugly ,
                               Ranted with pros and cons inside ,
                               Celebrated with air raids like regrets ,
                               Rekindled with some moments for rucksack ,
                               I always wanted to elude ,
                               Tickled only with morbid realizations ,
                               Oh my mind I may perish you a day . "

I have even thought why I alone have a situation like this . Then it  was made aware by parents and friends this how a mind is for everyone , The one who tame's it is a winner forever .

 Times have changed , I have grown a lot mentally . Some of the words which comforted me came from Little Master SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR . He said , " If my son wants to become a cricketer , It should come from his heart and not from his mind . As it came to me from my heart  I am able to enjoy my game as I am playing " . That's the key , I thought for a moment . As I decided from my heart , I was able to accept my mind as it was . Healing process was felt . After this life was so simpler and situations were bounded with solutions , a state of peace came as a truth to me .

Regards ,
Kaushik Venugopalan .

Friday 8 July 2011

State Of A Pity Man

 I am going to talk about the situation of the pitiful person in India . The one who is known for his wit and
excellence is suffering a lot . He may have won best ECONOMIST awards , but now he is facing the most toiling period of his lifetime . Yes it is our honorable prime minister of India Mr . MANMOHAN SINGH .

Its days after the resignation of Dhayanidhi Maran ( textile minister , second minister to resign after a suspicion in 2g case ) there are many moot questions arising around Singh for his overdue and impasse act on the Maran issue . Wasn't he reluctant on Maran's resignation . Probably no , but what made him to remain silent is the fear of DMK alliance . His party congress is also not keen as it involves Suresh Kalmadi's commonwealth scandals , etc to point on DMK directly . Moreover there is great fear from J.Jayalalitha , Tamil Nadu chief minister , because if she join hands with BJP , there may be a lack  of majority for congress to rule in centre provided minnow's join hand with BJP . All because of Jaya's powerful acquisition of majority plus of seats in state .

In this state Singh has a lot of pressure from cabinet to media and for people , for whom he is there . Under Sonia Gandhi , Singh has not much to talk , he may listen properly and do an performance that's all he can . I feel very pity of him . Lets all pray that he may be rescued soon .

Wednesday 6 July 2011

DOODLE TODAY (Edition 3)

Hi friends these are latest of my doodles

Salute To " HOME "

Home is a place of residence for the people who own it . Each of one's home differ from others in one or more ways . But , the common one that is for everyone is Earth . Yes , it has been the common home for past several billion years . We always keep or try to keep our home in best way neat and good , make it a pleasant place to live .

No one have thought of our true home Earth , including me too . Whether it is healthy or not .
A documentry directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand  stirred me and made me think differently , no very differently . The hero of the documentry is Earth and villian is we the people .

The documentary is focused on the environmental problems and related issues . Please check out this trailer of the documentary and try to see the full one . The visuals brought by Michel Benjamin , Dominique Gentil are astounding and dazzled me .

See and contribute as much you can .

Tuesday 5 July 2011

DOODLE TODAY (Edition 2)

Kind of comic students

Animals that are suggested for avatars ......

Now a dreadful and fearsome villain


        The Company  I Have Admired ( company-1) .

Name GOOGLE derived from word GOOGOL means that 1 followed by 100 zeros . No wonder why Page and Brin selected the name google , as anything searched in google displays more than 100 results .

Nowadays when a person says I don't know this that , they get a serious advice that go for google .
People often say " I googled u , that , etc " . In that way it is treated by the people around the globe .

As google enjoys as its profit rate increases year by year , I thought about the googler (person who uses google for searching) how well he may enjoy and get detested according to the search results , if his search succeeds and aborted .
That much prolific is the company  with its reputation . An adept performance is delivered by it .
The company is always a ahead of its adversary . Be it youngest billionaires to modern revolutionaries nothing is taken to head of Page and Brin . They stay calm and expands their product and improve beta programs .

They lend hand for the other and provide mutual development for those companies who are with them . Spark of it is "Search blog empowered by google" , "google labs free sms channel" , "google pack" . In "google pack" a set of essential software's and programs  including media players , skype , anti virus , pdf readers etc is provided free for downloading .
Its link is .

As they keep their users at comfort same is enjoyed by employers . No dress code , a variety of cuisines , playtimes , allowing anything from new born  to their pet animals , to office plants , google gives every bit of freedom to its employees .

Now as latest ANDROID , all may be aware about this .

Continue to rock , u great google .

Sunday 3 July 2011

Mobile Phone Radiation

When everyone talk about mobile phone radiations , I was taking the matter as very lightly .
But when I saw this video , I was so serious .......
Have a look at it.......

I was really astounded . Here they keep some Act II pop corns in middle of 3 mobiles and when they ring to those mobiles with vibration mode , the radiation from the phone baked those pop corns .

This may be the fact that UNO reported that more exposure to mobile phone radiations may cause CANCER .

Just see this image

Here the most heated region of your head will be in red color and the descendance in magnitude will be characterized by lighter hue .

Steps you may use to overcome these radiations . Use of
- Messages instead of phone calls
- Loudspeaker facility wherever possible
- Bluetooth devices
- Headphones or Earphones

Be aware , Be safe .

Trick or Magic or _______

 Let me show a video performed by me with a candle and match sticks .
 I am going to show that a candle can be burnt without even lighting its tip . I will just make a match stick burn and bring it near the candle u will see it that the candle will burn automatically .

Yes , this is a experiment . You yourself can try it in your home .
I will give you the steps .
Step 1 : Light a candle .
Step 2 : Allow it to burn it for 2 minutes .
Step 3 : Now make a match stick burn and turn off the fire in candle .
Step 4 : Move the burning match stick around the candle from different angles .
                  You may notice that at some angle as you bring the match stick near the candle , the candle gets lighted up automatically .

For to have a look how it works , I have attached the video that I have tried , see it and try it .

The question I am going to ask to you is that why and how the candle lights up automatically ?
Try to find the science behind it and post your answers .
The correct one will be commented by me .

Friday 1 July 2011

DADA - The Comeback Hero

The time was ticking and for Indian cricket team it was a searing situation . After Azharuddin and some popular Indian cricketers caught in match fixing scandals , followed with a toiling effort in Sachin captaincy India was not that much successful . During that Ganguly was appointed as captain .This man who first gave hopes to our lovable Indian cricket team after a few years of fussy , By winning the Natwest tri series in England . Soon things changed and India became more victorious and the pinnacle was seen as India reached the 2003 World cup finals . After that rest was history , he lead the team in prolific manner . It was also evident as Indian government announced Padma Shri award for him .

Everything was fine until there arose a misunderstanding with Greg Chappel . What ever be the criticism , He stood tall and battled out everything . We cannot for his great knocks of scoring 239 against Pakistan and scoring 1106 and 1240 in Test and ODI's respectively in the year 2007 . His average was 61.44 in Test and 44.28 in ODI's . We remember DADA for his comeback performances always , he did that in this year IPl too . For great man i wish him a ADVANCE Birthday wishes on 8th of july .

Join this facebook link to wish him: .


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