Sunday 3 July 2011

Mobile Phone Radiation

When everyone talk about mobile phone radiations , I was taking the matter as very lightly .
But when I saw this video , I was so serious .......
Have a look at it.......

I was really astounded . Here they keep some Act II pop corns in middle of 3 mobiles and when they ring to those mobiles with vibration mode , the radiation from the phone baked those pop corns .

This may be the fact that UNO reported that more exposure to mobile phone radiations may cause CANCER .

Just see this image

Here the most heated region of your head will be in red color and the descendance in magnitude will be characterized by lighter hue .

Steps you may use to overcome these radiations . Use of
- Messages instead of phone calls
- Loudspeaker facility wherever possible
- Bluetooth devices
- Headphones or Earphones

Be aware , Be safe .

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